Sunday, July 29, 2007
drained! (not me. our pool)
well, its off to yearbook camp tomorrow for me and some friends that are going to be on yearbook staff next year. it should be fun, but i better go finish packing! :)
adios for now mi amigos! :)
Saturday, July 28, 2007
schedules already!
well here are my classes! people still going to valley tell me if we have any together. people who have already graduated feel free to tell me your opinions of the teacher or class.
semester 1:
1.) yearbook flietstra
2.) AP english brewer (2 full years in a row!)
3.) algebra 2 romberg
4.) chemistry tamminga (i'm relieved!)
5.) AP US bras
6.) study hall streelman (mrs.) (although, i didn't even sign up for a study hall...hummm? could be useful though)
7. honors spanish 3 morales
semester 2:
1.) honors spanish 3 morales
2.) AP english brewer
3.) yerbook flietstra
4.) AP US bras
5.) chem baas (i'm scared...i haven't heard anything too good about him)
6.) bible admiraal
7.) algebra 2 hoekman
i am also taking wilderness challenge, which i'm super excited about! should be fun! :)
so, not much going on here...just plugging away at my summer homework. blah! i hate it!
hope all is well with you all!
later alligator! :)
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
my arm is dead
anyway, back to the whole my-arm-is-dead-thing. i today was forced into a place that little children fear, that claims to help the sick and keep the healthy feeling well, the place that has a distinct and utterly repulsive smell. anyone guessed it yet? well, the place i speak of is none other than...the doctors office! dum dum dum(going for dramatic effect)! after realizing that i would be gone for both the sports physical days at valley and still needing a sports physical in order to play tennis in the fall, i found myself up at 6:30 getting ready to go to the doctors. little did i know what i was in for. i made my way to the third floor and went in the door labeled "well children". that waiting room makes you feel like you walk right into munchkin land from the wizard of oz, complete with a yellow brick road and little people on the walls. anyway the nurse takes me back, measured me, weighed me and had me read the eye chart (that's another thing: i found out that i have terrible vision, but i still manage to function with out a problem. so, no need for glasses yet! :). then she turns to me and asks me "how long has it been since you have had a full physical?"
"ummm...couple years, i guess."
"oh, then we'll give you a full one instead of just a sports physical today."
"oh, er...thanks" NOT!
so, i got the whole sha-bang today and let me tell you, i hate physicals! i understand why they have to do them, but i don't have to like them. it is soooooo awkward having a doctor look at places i do not display to others. especially when the doctor keeps asking you questions like "are you happy with the way you look" and "have you had any temptations in the following areas? drugs" NO! "alchol" NO! "sex" DEFINITELY NOT!!! what do i look like? then to just put the toppings on the golden spoon (like the expression "icing on the cake", just my version) she tells me i have to get vaccinated for meningitis (no idea how to spell that or even exactly what the stupid disease is)! stupid shot! right in the deltoid so, that is why my left arm is dead. poo! stinky shots! :(
the entire day wasn't horrible, though. i did get to go on a lovely little bike ride up to golden spoon, where i was delighted to see that they had pumpkin pie (my favorite flavor)!
well, i'm going to return to reading now. hope the rest of your days were better than mine! :)
Monday, July 23, 2007
just another day in paradise...
well, since katie can't snuba (snuba is a funny word) she hung out and drank down some pina colodas! ha ha! no, just kidding! they were all non-alcoholic and she only got a couple of sips, but she wanted more!
jamie and i hung out at the beach together and the salt water was really burning...solution: some cheap sweet looking goggles! we're cool! :)
isn't beach hair lovely?
days 3 and 4
my cousin, jamie, and i
my cousin, justin, and is girlfriend, seppi.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
days 1 and 2 of my trip to the grand cayman islands, mon
on the first day (monday) we all just kinda hung out at the beach and swam in the beautiful water! it was so pretty. it was crystal clear and the wildlife was awesome! right off the beach there were these giant yellow ring things floating in the water that you could sit on and just relax. but who wants to relax when you could attempt to get 5 people to balance and stand on it and then try to knock each other off. it was a lot of fun!
here are some pics of our first day in the caribbean!
katie was just so excited she had her shades on in the plane! what a cutie! :)
this was the water right off the beach where we stayed...beautiful!
this is my little frog friend, who visited our pool.
this was the view from my bedroom. it was right after it rained. that was something else that was really rained everyday that we were there. not for long, just short storms of rain, thunder and lighting (so cool!). it did pour pretty hard though. very cool experience to swim in the ocean while the sky is pouring rain and lighting is flashing above!
DAY 2:
another fun and very hot and humid day. did i mention how hot it was? it was hot let me tell you. high 90's during the day and low 90's - high 80's at night. playing tennis in that weather is not so good. it looked like i had just climbed out of a swimming pool...gross! tennis was fun though, as always. i did play quite a lot with my aunt, uncle and cousin. one cool thing: they only had clay courts and one grass court; no concrete. grass was very difficult because the ball pretty much just dies so we pretty much just played on clay. my shoes are still red, but it was totally worth's time for some new shoes anyways. totally a blast though to try something new. it's amazing how different the ball bounces! okay enough about my passion for tennis. on tuesday we did alot of snorkeling, which was really cool. we snorkeled a ship wreck that was right off the coast. very neat! some shopping in town as well...but, it was a pretty laid back first couple of days. katie mostly enjoyed peek-a-boo with justin. pics below.
here was her method:
run over to him shouting "again"
put his hands on his face and walk away until he shouted "peek-a-boo"
then of course laugh hysterically and do it all over again! :)
i have a pretty cute video that i might post later.
well, that's all for now! i'll post some pictures with me in then tomorrow. i just didn't happen to have many from the first few days. :)
i'm back
stories of my actual trip and lots of pictures to come! :)
bye for now!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
i'm off tomorrow!
not sure if i will have internet access, so if not this will be my last post until next sunday...hopefully i will, and can keep you all updated.
hope you all are doing fantastic! :)
Friday, July 13, 2007
too many things going on...
-remember how my cat died (if you don't read two posts below). well, the place sent me a sympathy card. honestly, it was a little over the sounded like more than a cat had died. anyways the thing that really disturbed me was on a piece of paper they put her paw prints. the first thought that went through my mind was "i wonder if they did that before or after they put her to sleep?" *shudder* i'm sorry, but that just creeps me out!
-i played tennis for 3hrs today! that was fun!
-katie has found two new obsessions: the pool and otter pops. preferably otter pops in the pool. today she kept asking for an otter pop. we told her she had to wait and eat it in the pool (so she wouldn't get it everywhere). so, the next thing i know she runs out of the room and comes back holding one of her swimmer diaper things, points to the fridge and says "bu" (her word for blue) informing me she wanted a blue Popsicle, then runs to the door, looks at me and says "da. pool" ("da" is what she calls me). well, the terrible two's are right around the corner...lucky she is so cute! :)
-i, again, cleaned out my closet. i do that often don't i?
-went and saw pirates of the caribbean, for the third time, with my mom and betsy last night.
-went out to lunch with jenny, grace and kelly yesterday.
that is pretty much all i've been doing. i leave on sunday for the caribbean! i'm so excited! not too excited for tomorrow though. i know this guy who runs a painting class and he called me to go and portrait sit for the people in the class. i've done it before and it is super boring! i just have to sit there from 8:45-12:00 not moving while people practice painting. well, it is kinda cool to see how different people paint you and i do get 15min breaks every 45min or so. oh, and some money always helps too! :) so, it really isn't all that bad, i guess. :)
well, adios for now! :)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
i won't ever forget to take the trash out again
okay, so about my title. this is another somewhat amusing story. last night, it was my night to take out the trash cans to the street to be picked up in the morning. slipped my mind? :) so, when i realized this, this morning, it was too late and our street had already been picked up. my step dad saw that another street in our neighbor hood hadn't been done yet. so, what did he do? he called someone we know on the street and asked if we could put ours in front of their house. yeah, i got some strange looks here as well. but, i can't blame people. i would stare too if i saw someone walking through my neighbor hood pushing trashcans. yes, a fun experience indeed. i won't forget that again. :)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
sad news :(
well, i was sad, but i'm doing fine now and sort of at peace about it.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
yay! i figured it out!
rebekah these are for you! :)
personally i enjoyed the second one better (mostly because i'm not in it). the first video is pretty pointless...i was just experimenting how to work this.
enjoy! :)
ya, that was her "running" me over.
fun times! :)
picture time! :)
julie didn't want to be in any of the pictures. so, that is why she isn't; i'm sure you all can still enjoy laughing at me and rebekah though! :)
wow! that's attractive...NOT!
strange, strange. but, we had fun and that's what counts! :)
love the face, rebekah! i look like i'm trying to give her a hug. i don't know if any of you noticed this, but we are matching. that is the reason we took this pic (we were going for a surprised look). we didn't even plan it. i walked into chipotle and was like "hey wait a min" same exact shirt in different colors and plaid shorts...crazy!
yes, very strange indeed. i have some pretty sweet videos, but i have to go set up a youtube account...maybe i'll go try and figure it out. :)
peace out! :)
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Thursday, July 5, 2007
happy (belated) 4th of july
anyway, my kitty cat is sick. we don't know what's wrong with her. we had the vet come today for our dog (we have a mobile vet, who comes to your house in an RV type's pretty cool they have like a whole set-up in there and they don't have to pay for office space), but my cat has been not looking so good this past week. she has been throwing up a lot (which is gross, but bear with me and just keep in mind: at least you guys don't have to clean it up :p). i have, also, noticed she has begun to lose weight. we had the vet check her out today and they found a mass in her abdomen...not good. we aren't sure what it is, but they took some blood samples and she will have to be x-rayed and possibly have surgery. fun stuff. poor kitty! sad, sad.
on another note: i am really tired for some reason. i took a 2 hour nap today. then when i woke up i was watching my sister watch elmo and just crashed on the floor. i didn't wake up until katie, so pleasantly, sat on my head, started hitting me with her juice cup and screaming "again" to inform me that i was to get up and push play for her....oh, gotta love her. :)
so, i'm going to bed! good night! : )
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
i'm hot, but i have a cold
well, i won't bore you any longer...
good bye! :)
Sunday, July 1, 2007
my trip to the oh so evergreen state
well, i made it back from seattle today. it was a short trip, but still oodles of fun! i do have to say i didn't like downtown seattle that much; there just wasn't a whole lot going on. i guess you could say it wasn't exactly what i expected it to be. downtown kinda reminded me of a cross between a wannabe new york with some random san francisco type hills here and there. minus the crowds of people. my mom and i went to visit some friends of ours up there, who are actually visiting from london, england. it was good to see them all again and also meet the kids. they have a little girl, who is 3 almost 4, and a boy, who will be 2 in august. oh, side story: since they have been living in england, i think, for about 4 years now (both are originally american) the kids were born there. i love the way they talk! they both have british's really cute! :) anyway, here are some pics...
the big highlight of the farmers market for my mom was going to the original starbucks. this wasn't just any old starbucks let me tell was THE starbucks; the first. it originated in 1971 in seattle. now i know the history of starbucks.....yay for me! :) i don't even like coffee.
see, no joke about the pig obsession thing. this is only three of many more that we saw. told you seattle was a strange city.
seattle needle. an observation here: washington is called the evergreen state right? well, little did i know that in fact it has a double meaning. washington=rain everyone knows that so everything is green. it is also called the evergreen state because of its abundance in pine trees.
okay, horrible picture, but i just wanted to give you guys an idea of how light it was at night. i took this picture at 9:45pm! is that crazy or what? it has something to do with being in the pacific northwest or something.
here is craig, elizabeth, jessica, nathen, my mom and me. jessica really liked her fairy costume. :) i had a good time playing with those two.