ok so i just had my first driving lesson! i have to admit i was pretty nervous at first,especially after my golf cart incident(bad experience), and a little intimidated when the instructer walked up to me and asked me if i thought i was ready. i kinda gave him a "yeah i guess so" and we got started. to my suprise it was pretty relaxed and straight forward. i didnt actually go on a street (at least not a busy one anyway). first he had me preform a walk around of the car to make sure everything was working. he also made me check the oil and tire pressure ,which i had never done before. at last we got into the car and i had to back out of the parking space. unfortunatly there was a huge s.u.v on one side and a little old lady in her buick on the other, which made me nervous while i was waiting to see what the lady she doing and also trying to see around the car. When i finally backed out he just made me do a few turns around the parking lot. after a while he had me go out of the lot and turn right on a street that no cars were on (good for me). all in all i was pretty excited for myself!
well i'm off to homework land. fun! fun!
(if you couldnt tell. that was sarcasm in that last line)
oh i almost forgot. there was a bird flying around my spanish class today! it was pretty exciting. finally it flew out the window so it got out :) just thought i'd let you know!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
new found favorites
one of my more recent discoveries was the album "Go" by the Newsboys. until it was recomended to me by my friend i had actually never even heard of the Newsboys. after listing to a couple of songs i decided to check it out on itunes. i bought the album and loved it. i highly recomend it to anyone who is looking for great music that worships God.
Monday, November 27, 2006
tennis ball buddy!!
after a super fun week of just hanging out and doing whatever, i had to go back to the prison i like to call school. bummer. nah it wasen't that bad just kinda uneventful, it was fun to talk and see friends though....yeah well not much happend in the land of school so i decided to just post this random picture! 
doesn't he just make you smile :)
(made me happy anyway)
well i'm off to learn more rules of the road.....drivers ed.....fun stuff

doesn't he just make you smile :)
(made me happy anyway)
well i'm off to learn more rules of the road.....drivers ed.....fun stuff
Saturday, November 25, 2006
fun to be 1
today was my little sisters 1st birthday. its hard to believe it was already a year ago she was born, it is also really weird to think when she is my age i will be 30!!! yikes!!! we celebrated with a party for all the family and neighbors. we also rented a bounce house, which was fun for my cousins and i. especially collapsing it on top of one another hehe (dont try that at home) :)
here are some pictures of the days events
my little sister, katie, trying her first bite of birthday cake
and she liked it!!!
my cousin justin and i stuck in the collapsed bounce house
Thursday, November 23, 2006
a week off of school!!!
it has been an interesting, but fun week. i have definitely been enjoying my time off from school. tuesday was super fun. i went down to ikea with some freinds we had a fun, especially eating swedish meatballs at the ikea cafe located on the second story of the gianormus store that like anyone could probably get lost in (luckily we didnt)..... huh .... anyway..... my family from salt lake city is visiting for thanksgiving and its been crazy, yet fun, with ten people living in our house. from practicing head banging moves with my cousins to getting thrown into a freezing cold pool after being in a hot tub.... there is never a dull moment :). we also all went to play tennis this morning which was a blast and pretty intense. my aunt and i took the set 7-5 against my uncle and cousin. fun stuff!
freinds, family, and all the pumpkin pie and turkey you can eat (what's not to love?)
"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, his love endures forever."
Psalm 107:1
freinds, family, and all the pumpkin pie and turkey you can eat (what's not to love?)
"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, his love endures forever."
Psalm 107:1
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
passed my permit test
on monday i had to go to the dmv and take my drivers permit test. I must admit that i was very nervous, not because i would have to take it all over again if i failed, but because everyone i talked to just said how easy it was and that i would have no problem passing it. Gosh, wouldnt i feel dumb if i didnt pass and it was so easy, well anyway i only missed two which means it was pretty easy.
So watch out everyone cause i'll be on the road soon.... SCARY THOUGHT!
So watch out everyone cause i'll be on the road soon.... SCARY THOUGHT!
what to say?
so.....this is my very first post and i have no idea what to say except that i hope posting gets easier as time goes on or i will have a problem. i have no clue what i am going to use this blog for and will probably be very random.
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